Place a ball on the wall and lean into it with your upper back. The ball should be in between your shoulder blade and your spine on one side, then you can repeat again on the other side. This photo is demonstrating a release for the thoracic area of your spine. You can roll the ball up and down the back for a few mins. You can also stop on tight spots and hold for 30 sec while breathing.

Place a ball on the wall and lean into it with one side of the lower back. This photo is demonstrating a release for the lumbar spine. You can roll the ball up, down and side to side on the back for a few mins. You can also stop on tight spots and hold for 30 sec while breathing.

Lay on the roller so it is across your back from side to side. Hold your head with your hands to support your neck. Breathe a few deep breaths then roll up and down on the roller. You can also stay on one spot and pivot your trunk up and down to mobilise a particular area. If your neck feels ok, you can stretch your arms out and move them overhead whilst staying in one spot or roll up and down. To increase the intensity, you could also try hugging your arms across your chest and rolling up and down your back. This moves the shoulder blades out of the way and gives access to more muscles.

Firmly roll a towel up into a log shape and place it on the ground. Lay on the towel so it is across your back from side to side. Relax your head on the ground. Breathe a few deep breaths, then take both arms up and overhead until your back or arms start to feel tight. Try to breathe in on the arms rising and out on lowering them. Repeat x3-5 on each spot of the back that you are trying to release.

Lay on your side with a pillow or rolled towel under your head for support. Stretch out both arms in front and have knees bent up to hip height.

Keep the lower arm in contact with the ground and pull the top arm back bending at the elbow. Try to get the elbow to touch the ground on the other side of the body. Remember to try to keep the hips still facing forwards. Breathe and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times each side.

Lay your back with your arms outstretched in a T position. With the knees bent and together, take them over to one side and try to keep both shoulders on the ground. Repeat on each side for as long as is comfortable

Lay your back with your arms outstretched in a T position with legs out straight. Bend 1 knee up and roll it over to the other side of the body, trying to touch the ground with it. Also try to keep both shoulders on the ground. Repeat on each side for as long as is comfortable.


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